
AI Development Company for Enterprises | Hiring IT Engineers & Consultants with Remote Work Options!

We are the OperationDX division of Givery, Inc., where we help businesses automate operations and boost productivity. We've been at the forefront of AI projects since the early days of AI chatbots, and with the rapid rise of LLMs, we've evolved into one of Japan's leading pioneers in this field. Our flagship product, HoujinGAI, is now the leading LLM platform in Japan. At Givery, our mission is clear: to revitalize Japan as a digital superpower. As the world accelerates in the digital age, we believe that AI and LLMs hold the key to helping Japan overcome its challenges and return to the global stage. With advanced tools that empower workers to be more efficient, we aim to tackle issues like the population crisis by enhancing productivity across industries. "HRTech: They provide a recruitment, development, and evaluation platform called Track, which supports companies in improving their HR processes through data-driven solutions. Marketing DX: Through the DECA platform, rebranded in April, the company offers marketing transformation services. DECA Fine-tuning allows businesses to create custom environments by combining their proprietary data with ChatGPT technology, promoting structural changes in their marketing strategies. Operational Efficiency Solutions: The company has developed platforms like Corporate GAI, Government GAI, and PEP, which help streamline operations and improve productivity using AI-driven tools, particularly in industries and public sectors aiming for enhanced efficiency."



IT エンジニア



  • 業種

    • IT
  • 受動喫煙対策

  • 転勤

  • 海外勤務

  • 保険

    健康保険 厚生年金保険 労災保険 雇用保険
  • リモートワーク


  • 仕事内容

    <backend fulltime, full-stack engineer, senior fronted engineer> ◆Responsibilities ・Develop frontend applications using modern frontend technologies like Typescript, ReactJS, Next.js, etc ・Convert user stories and mockups into working software that delights users. ・Properly test and prepare new releases by writing automated tests, doing code reviews, and helping introduce new processes that helps maintain a high quality code base. ・Help evaluate and clarify product requirements and provide technical solutions that meet customers’ needs. ・Monitoring and quick response to failures to ensure stable operation of services. (*We pride ourselves in releasing high quality bug free code. Production incidents are extremely rare and the large majority are handled during core work hours.) ◆Technology Stack Serverside: NodeJS, NestJS Frontend: React, Typescript Database: PostgreSQL (RDS) Infrastructure: AWS(ALB, ECS, RDS, S3" <QA engineer> ◆Responsibilities ・Develop and implement test strategies, plans, and procedures for web applications and APIs to ensure comprehensive and efficient testing. ・Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, and designers, to understand requirements and integrate testing processes. ・Design, develop, and maintain manual and automated test cases, scripts, and tools to validate functionality, performance, usability, and security. ・Perform hands-on manual and automated testing to identify, document, and track defects as needed. ・Analyze test results, report testing progress, and provide recommendations for improvement. ・Continuously improve QA processes by incorporating industry best practices and emerging technologies. ・Foster a culture of quality and accountability, ensuring testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle. <HRtech事業コンサルタント> ・国内最大規模且つ、優秀なエンジニア系人材のプラットフォーム「Track Job」のプラットフォームを活用し ・オンラインイベントの企画運営 ・人材紹介の事業を成長させることが主なミッションです。RACAとしての人材紹介 ・イベント参画や紹介斡旋のための企業営業 ・イベント運営におけるオペレーションのマネジメントなど
  • 雇用形態

  • 給与

    年収(年俸) : ¥550


  • 役職・部署

    ・backend engineer ・full-stack engineer ・senior fronted engineer ・QA engineer ・HRtech事業コンサルタント
  • 給与詳細

    業務とスキルによって異なる <backend engineer> 想定年収 700万円∼1000万円 月給 833300 円 ・固定残業手当:月45時間該当分を含む       (例)年収600万円:1,537,100円/年収1020万円:2,613,000円 <full-stack engineer> 年収 10,000,000 円 - ※上記は目安です。現年収・能力やご経験を考慮いたします。 ・固定残業手当:月、 45時間該当分を上記に含む。       ・超過した時間外労働の残業手当は追加支給 <senior fronted engineer> 想定年収 700万~900万円 ※上記は目安です。現年収・能力やご経験を考慮いたします。 ・固定残業手当:月、 45時間該当分を上記に含む。       (例)年収600万円:1,537,100円/年収1020万円:2,613,000円 ・超過した時間外労働の残業手当は追加支給 <QA engineer> 年収 7,000,000 円 - 12,000,000円 月給:58万円〜100万円 ※固定残業代45時間を含む(例)年収720万円:1,844,402円 ※超過した場合残業手当を支給 ※上記の給与は目安です。現年収・能力やご経験を考慮いたします。 <HRtech事業コンサルタント> 年収 5,500,000 円 - 9,000,000円 月給:45万円〜75万円 ※固定残業代 45時間を含む (例)年収720万円:1,844,402円/年収1,500万円:3,842,505円 ※超過した場合残業手当を支給 ※上記の給与は目安です。現年収・能力やご経験を考慮いたします。
  • 福利厚生

    "◎社会保険完備(雇用、労災、健康、厚生年金) ◎関東ITソフトウェア健保 ◎交通費支給(月3万円まで) ◎家族手当(扶養家族の対象となる満18歳までの子供1人につき月額1万円) ◎社内バー・フリードリンク・オフィスグリコ完備 ◎育児中役員在籍 ◎社員総会あり 選考フロー rack Test→Resume screening→Casual Chat→Team Interview→Final Interview ・コーディングテストあり ※Web受験"
  • 勤務地

    • 東京都渋谷区
  • 勤務地詳細

  • 勤務時間

    9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (8 hours of actual work with a 1-hour break) Working hours are negotiable (adjustments have been made in cases such as family pick-up/drop-off or long-distance commuting). Full remote work
  • 時間外労働

    あり(月平均  45時間)
  • 休日・休暇

    ◎完全週休2日制(土日祝休み) ◎年末年始休暇(12/31〜1/3) ◎有給休暇(入社半年経過時点10日 最高付与日数20日/3ヶ月を超える継続勤務に対し付与) ◎慶弔休暇 ◎特別休暇 ◎出産休暇 ◎育児休暇 年間休日:120日
  • 採用の流れ

    選考フロー rack Test→Resume screening→Casual Chat→Team Interview→Final Interview ・コーディングテストあり ※Web受験"


  • JLPT

  • 英語レベル

  • 日本語レベル

  • その他言語

  • 必須スキル

    [backend engineer] ● 3+ years of professional experience driving the backend work of a commercial product using a JVM based language (Scala, Kotlin, Java) or a relevant modern programming language ● Experience building REST APIs running over distributed infrastructure ● Strong interest in and practical application of basic functional programming concepts ● Familiarity with non blocking, asynchronous programming techniques (e.g. Futures, Akka/Actors, Typelevel/IO) ● Experience working with relational databases (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL) ● Understanding and experience writing and maintaining automated test suites (Integration tests, Unit tests, Property based tests…) ● Experience working with cloud service providers (AWS / GCP / Azure) ● Business level language skills in English [full-stack engineer] ●Over 4 years of practical development experience in both front-end and back-end of web applications ●Over 2 years of management experience [senior fronted engineer] ●5-10 years of professional web development experience (HTML, CSS, and Typescript/ES6) ●(Including) 4 year of industry experience with React ●Experience with state management libraries such as Redux or RxJS ●Strong communication and collaboration skills ●Ability to work independently and as part of a team ●Business level language skills in English [QA engineer] ● A minimum of 3 years of professional experience in QA engineering, with a focus on web applications. ● Proven experience in both manual and automated testing, with fluency in modern automation tools such as Chromatic, Playwright, WDIO, Cypress or similar. ● Solid understanding of locators and locator strategies. ● Strong knowledge of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and RESTful APIs. ● Solid familiarity with test automation best practices (page object models, waiting strategies, artifact management, report generation, etc.). ● Business level language skills in English [HRtech事業コンサルタント] ●Experience in IT-related human resources or foundational knowledge in the HR Tech field ●Experience as a business leader or equivalent, including formulating and executing business strategies ●Strong interest in the IT/technology industry
  • 歓迎スキル

    [backend engineer] ● Expert-level fluency with Scala 2 and 3 ● Experience working with Node.js/NestJS, Go, and/or Rust ● Experience working with React (and not allergic to frontend development tasks) ● Spoken and written Japanese language ability [full-stack engineer] ●Experience in building and operating systems using AWS or GCP ●Experience leading a development team, including technology selection, ●establishing development guidelines, and conducting code reviews [senior fronted engineer] ●Awareness of software engineering best practices ●Knowledge of Figma how to collaborate with designers [QA engineer] ● 5+ years professional experience in software engineering teams in any of the following roles: QA, software engineer, project- and/or product-management ● Spoken and written Japanese language ability [HRtech事業コンサルタント] Experience in engineering recruitment and development Foundational knowledge in the field of marketing Experience in product management

職業環境 / 雰囲気

  • 男女の割合


  • 外国人が働いている


  • 外国人の採用経験


  • 日本語を使う頻度
